Poem about British Shorthair cats

In quiet homes, where shadows gently fall,
A noble friend awaits to hear your call.
A British Shorthair, calm and wise and true,
With loyal heart, they give their all to you.

In times of strife, when burdens weigh you down,
They sit beside you, never wear a frown.
Their eyes, like amber jewels, softly gleam,
A silent promise in their golden dream.

Their velvet paws tread lightly on your soul,
A steadfast presence, making you feel whole.
In silent rooms, their gentle purrs resound,
A soothing balm when life's too harsh and loud.

These cats, with coats of silver, blue, or gray,
Are guardians who keep your fears at bay.
They’re smart and knowing, eyes so deeply wise,
In their calm gaze, all sadness surely dies.

To take a cat, a Shorthair by your side,
Is to invite a joy you cannot hide.
They change your life, they bring a peace profound,
With every soft and gentle purring sound.

Oh, in this world, so fraught with storm and strife,
A British Shorthair brings a sweeter life.
So open up your heart, let one come near,
And find in their embrace, your troubles clear.